We have all these measurements of time - 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, calendar for the month and year.
We schedule meetings, we celebrate Birthdays, we look forward towards holiday days, we have time set frame-work for pretty much everything in life,
yet time is also infinitive.
There is a sense that it's endless.
Recently I've been thinking so much more about human life-spam, and more frequently in conversations I ask people "how long do you think your life will be"
Most of people's answers hover around 80, and statistically speaking that's above the average.
I personally don't think I will live a very long life - even though I lead quite a healthy life, my genetics are not in my favor. Not to be dramatic - quite the opposite perhaps.
Thinking I have less is making me want to do and live more, rather than save for some very distant future..
So what's interesting to me is that we live in this world where we know how to, and we put a time-frame to everything, yet we live like we have infinity.
People work hard to save for their retirement holiday and their health is not strong enough when they reach that retirement.
People save for something they will do "later in life" and that later never arrives.
We wait to live our dreams for some time in a distant future, and most of the times - the future will never arrive.
We live in this irony where events are so restricted and scheduled by time, at the same time -time seems to be the most fluid substance with no end.
... until comes a moment when someone sets a time-frame to seemingly endless life.
And you are told that you have only so much time left. months, perhaps weeks or days.
that changes everything! The clock that is often a background noise, an annoying reminder that it's only 11am on Monday, turns into a ticking time-bomb.
Every second matters.
Maybe that is why we love travel so much - a holiday always has an end date - and it's that limited time in space that makes one appreciate every hour, every day of it.
suddenly all else falls aside,
you just want to savor every moment of it, and what once seemed infinitive,
now has a time frame.
I do want to invite you, to look closer at what's your relationship with time.
if you were told that you only have this one year to live - who would you want to hug, to see, to be with. Where would you want to go, what would you want to do, if suddenly the infinite time would have a time-frame.
No need to drop everything, but perhaps more time in that intentional effort, might be important.
Ask yourself how many years do you think you will have in this World, and then think a little about what you want those years to be.
The essence of time is what you do with those days.